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Scan2BIM: Fast, simple, automated as-built modeling.

The fastest way to the BIM model

BIM models made easy

Key advantages

Up to 90% faster
to the BIM model

Turn your point clouds into an LOD-200 model in hours instead of weeks with Points2BIM and advanced algorithms.

Easy to use
without training

Create BIM models without special know-how or training. Our intuitive interface and AI-based algorithms reliably find architectural structures.

Seamless integration
in Revit and ArchiCAD

Import your models directly into Revit and ArchiCAD. All objects are customizable and can be individually supplemented or modified.
Create BIM models from point clouds.

Your challenges - soon no longer

Long waiting times
Regardless of whether you, your employees or service providers are modeling, even simple models require manual work by specialists. The waiting time for modeling increases with the size or number of projects.
Complex creation process
Creating architecture from point clouds for large buildings often takes hours or days and involves many repetitive steps: Finding your way around the point cloud, defining levels, drawing walls, finding openings - all under high time pressure.
Changing quality
When working with external partners abroad, the effort required for quality assurance increases. Different standards and changing modelers make work more difficult, and project standards often have to be redefined. Interpretations lead to incorrect modeling.
High training and instruction costs
The market offers many new software solutions and tools for point clouds. Unfortunately, they are often complex and require training. This means that you or your employees have to spend time on training as project deadlines approach.

That is exactly how Points2BIM helps you

Scope of services

Offer 1

Automated creation of the BIM base model

Points2BIM quickly creates BIM base models according to the LOD 200 standard: levels, ceilings (raw ceiling and floor structure), exterior and interior walls, windows, doors and rooms. All objects have names, sizes and dependencies. The model provides a solid foundation and can be opened and adapted seamlessly in Revit or ArchiCAD.

Create BIM model
Offer 2

Individual further development by our partners (expert model)

If you do not have the capacity to adapt the model yourself, our partners will take over the completion of your model. You define the requirements necessary for your use case and the experts from our modeling partners create a finished BIM model in LOD-300 or higher. You can receive this as a native Revit or ArchiCAD file.

Discuss requirements
A project where Points2BIM made the difference

Case study - 90% faster to the LOD 200

  • The challenge
    Our client needed a BIM model that accurately represented the current building for a serial refurbishment project. The challenge was to create the model quickly and without much effort. The client therefore opted for Points2BIM.
  • The solution
    We worked in two stages to create the BIM model. First, our AI generated the basic BIM model in 2 hours instead of 20. After checking the model, our team of experts optimized the model based on the customer's specifications to ensure maximum efficiency and quality.
  • The result
    The customer received a LOD 200 BIM model in 24 hours so that further development and customization could be discussed with our expert. As a result, he received the finished model in half the time, with a maximum deviation of 2 cm from the point cloud.
What our users are saying:
The BIM model was easy to import into MicroStation and had only very minor deviations when compared with existing floor plans. We can recommend Points2BIM to others!
A. Böttcher, Stadt Magdeburg
That´s how easy it is:

In just 3 steps to the BIM model

All you need is your point cloud, Internet access and a user account with Points2BIM - we take care of the rest.
Create BIM model
  • 1.
    Upload point cloud
    Upload your point cloud and automatically check the point cloud quality. Our BIM experts will give you feedback if the point cloud does not meet our requirements. Automatic generation of the BIM model after a positive quality check on systems in Germany.
  • 2.
    Presentation of your BIM model in the Web Call
    Once the model has been calculated and quality checked by one of our BIM experts, you book a handover appointment online. We will discuss the model and its properties together.
  • 3.
    Purchase & Download (only with 100% satisfaction)
    If the model meets your expectations and the requirements of your intended use, we will issue an invoice and you can download the model in IFC format.

About us as a company

Our goal is to provide our customers with the fastest and easiest way to their BIM model. To achieve this, we use the latest technologies and apply them to the construction industry.
Dr. Mario Geißler and Kevin Meitsky, Managing Directors Points2BIM
Dr. Mario Geißler
Kevin Meitsky

Our mission: Revolutionary BIM modeling

We have set ourselves the task of revolutionizing the creation of BIM models with advanced algorithms. As a result, we offer a drastic and scalable speed advantage over alternative solutions to quickly and efficiently convert point clouds into BIM base models.

Customized solutions by experts

Our cloud-based platform enables customers to have their basic model customized directly by modelling experts. This offers a high degree of flexibility and adaptability in order to optimally meet specific project requirements and address individual needs in a targeted manner.

Your budget at a glance

Our pricing

Automated creation of the BIM base model
Zahlen Sie nur bei Zufriedenheit. Ab 0,50 Euro pro m² modellierter Grundfläche. Sie erhalten ein BIM-Modell mit Ebenen, Decken, Wänden, Fenstern, Türen und Räumen. Alle Objekte haben Namen, Größen und Abhängigkeiten. Bereitstellung als IFC-Datei, optimiert für Revit und ArchiCAD. Volumenmodelle für Großprojekte verfügbar.
  • Payment only on satisfaction
  • From 0.50 euros per m² of modeled floor area
  • IFC file, optimized for Revit and ArchiCAD
  • Native Revit format on request
  • Volume models for large projects
  • Checked by BIM expert
Would you like to see the quality of our software for yourself?
Create BIM model
Would you like to customize your BIM model? No problem, our BIM experts will be happy to do this for you. The pricing depends on the scope and type of customization.
  • Customization of the BIM model
  • BIM experts take on customizations
  • Pricing according to scope and type of customization
Do you have further questions about our pricing or our model?
Arrange a consultation

Points2BIM in comparison

Domestic modeling
  • Speed - conversion in week 1/5
  • Simplicity - increased coordination effort 3/5
  • Reliability - service provider dependent 5/5
  • Data security - Hosting in Germany 5/5
  • Cost - from 1.20 euros per m² 1/5
  • 100% risk-free - payment independent of satisfaction 1/5
  • Speed - conversion in hours 5/5
  • Simplicity - No coordination effort 5/5
  • Reliability - testing by BIM experts 5/5
  • Data security - Hosting in Germany 5/5
  • Cost - from 0.50 euros per m² 4/5
  • 100% risk-free - payment only on satisfaction 5/5
Modeling abroad
  • Speed - conversion in days 3/5
  • Simplicity - High coordination effort 1/5
  • Reliability - Variable, dependent on service provider 2/5
  • Data security - Low 2/5
  • Cost - from 0.30 euros per m² 5/5
  • 100% risk-free - payment independent of satisfaction 1/5

Answers to your questions

What does the Points2BIM base model include?
The structural and architectural elements correspond to the typical LOD 200 definition. The model elements are represented graphically as Points2BIM objects with calculated quantities, sizes, their shape, position and orientation. According to the LOD 200 specification, Points2BIM elements are placeholders that are named with P2BIM coding and can be exchanged with their own families. All information in the base model should be regarded as approximate values and, depending on the application, form the basis for the further development of your individual BIM project.
What is required as input data?
The Points2BIM system requires an .e57 point cloud to calculate the BIM model. Each point cloud may contain one building. If you have a point cloud with several buildings, please cut them so that each building is a single point cloud. Create a separate project for each building in the Points2BIM system.
What are the requirements for the point cloud?
When recording the point cloud, make sure you choose the right camera and carry out a proper scanning process. If you have any questions, it is best to contact a professional surveyor. In order to create an optimal Points2BIM model, certain minimum requirements must be met. Each point cloud may only contain a single building. For an optimal result, the scan should fully capture the façade, interior and roof. For a complete model, there must be no gaps, such as missing rooms, within the point cloud. Exterior surfaces or topographical data should not be included in the point cloud. Furthermore, we recommend a low measurement noise of less than 2.5 mm and a point density of at least 5 mm. Correct registration is also essential, which means that individual viewpoints are linked exactly and there are no duplicate lines. The inner and outer edges should run parallel to each other to ensure a precise representation.
How is the price of the Points2BIM model calculated?
Points2BIM's pricing model is simple and transparent. There are no basic costs or subscription fees. You pay per square meter of the modeled floor area per floor. In the basic version, we charge 1 euro per square meter. We offer attractive volume packages for large projects, halls and larger requirements. We will be happy to discuss your requirements with you directly - simply contact our customer service. The same applies to the exclusive modeling of façade surfaces without interiors. On request, we can supply you with an individually developed model in LOD 300 and higher. You can discuss adaptations and further developments with our BIM expert during the handover. Based on your requirements, we will prepare an individual offer for further development.
In which programs can the Points2BIM model be used?
Seamless integration of the Points2BIM model into your workflows is important to us. That's why we provide you with an IFC file that can be opened in all common BIM viewers as well as in Autodesk Revit and ArchiCAD. On request, we can also provide you with a native Revit file (.RVT).
Do georeferenced point clouds also work with Points2BIM?
Of course, set the corresponding field on the front end after uploading your point cloud. You can also provide us with your reference point. We also need information about the Revit version you are using in the corresponding process step.
Which components can be modeled automatically with Points2BIM?
In the current range of functions, Points2BIM models contain the following components as standard: correct levels, storey ceilings with subdivision into bare ceiling and floor structure, exterior walls, interior walls, windows, doors, rooms.
What is the difference between a BIM model from Points2BIM and a CAD model?
A building model in BIM (Building Information Modeling) and in CAD (Computer-Aided Design) differ in several fundamental aspects based on their respective approaches and purposes. A BIM model from Points2BIM is a digital representation that includes both geometric and non-geometric information. It enables the integration of detailed data on materials, costs, schedules, maintenance requirements and other relevant properties. The model is intelligent and networked, which means that changes in one area (e.g. the material properties of a wall) are automatically updated in all other areas. In contrast, a CAD model focuses mainly on the geometric representation of a building. It creates accurate two-dimensional (2D) or three-dimensional (3D) drawings and typically does not include comprehensive information about the materials, costs or other non-geometric properties. In summary, a BIM model from Points2BIM provides the basis for a comprehensive, integrated and data-driven approach to the design, construction and management of buildings, whereas a CAD model is primarily focused on geometric representation and technical drawings. BIM enables better collaboration, more efficient planning and end-to-end building lifecycle management, while CAD specializes in creating accurate technical drawings and models without in-depth integration of additional data.
How does the import into Revit work?
Import our IFC file into Revit in two simple steps. First, create a new project. In this project, go to Open and IFC. Select our file and start the import of your model.
Do you have any further questions?
Our customer service will be happy to help you. You can contact us via the following page. We will also be happy to call you back.

How would faster implementation and simultaneous cost savings affect your project?

Imagine receiving the finished BIM model in your next project in record time and saving your internal resources at the same time. Upload your point cloud now and see our results for yourself!
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